Five automakers—BMW, Ford, Renault, Toyota and DaimlerChrysler, as the German automaker was known then —made the list in 2006 (since the 'divorce' it's back to two separate companies, Daimler and Chrysler).
Nissan has been trying to reverse its image as playing environmental catch-up with Toyota and Honda, the leading makers of gasoline-electric hybrid cars. Nissan seem to have succeeded --
Its environmental action plan focuses on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, including a pledge to cut emissions at its factories by 7 percent in 2010 from 2005 levels. Also, Nissan now is producing hybrid vehicles. now.
Okay, the Altima Hybrid sedan uses Toyota technology. More than okay -- the Nissan Altima Hybrid costs less than the comparable Toyota Camry Hybrid, when you include the tax credits that still apply to Nissan hybrids but no longer apply to Toyota hybrids.
The Carbon Disclosure Project surveyed about 2,400 companies worldwide this year, choosing 68 for the index.
Pictured -- Nissan Altima Hybrid 2008