Friday, May 9, 2008

Where Americans are Traveling This Summer

More than 25 million Americans will be travelling internationally this summer, a larger number than of green travel adventurers than went on the road last year.

Travel to Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia is up for summer 2008, despite the weak dollar overseas, despite international airline fares and hotels that are more expensive than last year.

The travel forecast is from AAA, via report produced by a company called Global Insight.

According to them, Americans will be spending an astounding $30.7 billion overseas during the months of June, July and August.

Even though the increase in the number of travellers is up only two percent, the increase in the amount we'll be spending is up twice that much -- because of the double-whammy of general worldwide inflation, in part due to the astronomical rise in gas prices and the week U.S. dollar.

The largest travel increases are for China and India. China, of course, is the site of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. According to the AAA-Global insight report, travel by Americans to visits to China and India are expected to be up more than 13% -- each -- this summer.

Travel to Europe also is predicted to be up this year --
  • France -- up 6.7%, with more than one American million visitors,

  • Ireland -- up 6.6%, with more than 337,000 American visitors

  • Italy -- up 4.7% with 1.6 million green travels visitors

  • Germany -- up 4.4% with 725,000 American travelers.
So, this is a busy year for green travels overseas. Make sure you get to the airport early.